
Bizarre Foods

Since the Strep Throat Fairy visited Sophie during our "Winter Wonderland," (as I like to call it) we have done nothing but watch TV. It has been a struggle to find something that all of us like to watch. One such crowd pleasing show is "Bizarre Foods," with Andrew Zimmern. Wyatt also loves another food-themed show, "Man VS Food," which is ironic, since Wyatt eats nothing. Anyhoo, last night's episode found Andrew in Beijing at a restaurant that serves one thing: Penis. If an animal has one, they cook it up and serve it. This was a great learning opportunity--more than just chicken nuggets are served in China. Wyatt has decided that when he is in Beijing, he will not be eating at this restaurant.

1 comment:

  1. That is pretty funny I have thought the same thing a few times when watching that show. As an employee and subscriber of Dish Network I usually watch Bizarre Foods in HD just so I can see all the detail in whatever he is eating. It can get a little extreme sometimes but the show is really good overall. Thanks for the post!
